
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021


Good day my viewers, This is my last post until the end of exams and I switch off for a while. I will keep posting here and on twitter and instagram. Finally, in this last post I wanted to collect all the various activities that I have been doing throughout my studies in the Master's course on the use of ICTs and other resources for bilingual teaching in primary education. It has been a pleasure to enjoy this experience and to have discovered so many new resources to use in the classroom. In the end, what I will keep is the discovery that Francisco made me of Plickers, in the times in which we live, it helped me a lot in the classroom. Thanks for all! T.C.

Recording with Chroma!

Hey, have you read my last post? If you haven't stop reading and click here .                               ... All right, If you still here I am so happy to present you the video that my peers and I recorded inspired from the storyboard that I uploaded in the last post. The video It is called THE SPANISH IMPERIALISM.   The video was recorded with chroma key and we appeared in costume. In th e sequence we told the basic information about each king and his reign. In the video we appear characterised as the Habsburgs. In th e sequence appear Charles I, Philip II, Philip III, Philip IV and Charles II.  Afterwards, this video was edited with the Filmora programme to change the background for an image of the period. It was an entertaining and inspiring project and we had a lot of fun. If you are planning to make a video with chroma key, we think it is recommended when using chroma key to use all dark or bla...

Storyboard a video project

 HEY HEY HEY How is going everything? Welcome again to my new post! In this section, I am going to show up an amazing storyboard that I have made with my Master's peers. In that case, we started with the goal and content to begin creating. The goal from the (from BOCM): - The student know some important facts the reings of Charles I, Philiph II and Philip IV. The content, that this Storyboard is based, is (from BOCM): - Spain in the Modern Age. XVI &XVII centuries. The reign of the House of Austria. In this case, we have chosen the Spanish Imperior. Why It is a commonly topic at schools.  With the storyboard our students can the students can internalise the topic more easily, in a visual way, and can also follow the unit easily. In the next post, you will see a video creation inspired in this Storyboard. See you there! TC