Good day my viewers,
It has been a pleasure to enjoy this experience and to have discovered so many new resources to use in the classroom. In the end, what I will keep is the discovery that Francisco made me of Plickers, in the times in which we live, it helped me a lot in the classroom. Thanks for all!
This is my last post until the end of exams and I switch off for a while. I will keep posting here and on twitter and instagram.
Finally, in this last post I wanted to collect all the various activities that I have been doing throughout my studies in the Master's course on the use of ICTs and other resources for bilingual teaching in primary education.
It has been a pleasure to enjoy this experience and to have discovered so many new resources to use in the classroom. In the end, what I will keep is the discovery that Francisco made me of Plickers, in the times in which we live, it helped me a lot in the classroom. Thanks for all!
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