Storyboard a video project


How is going everything? Welcome again to my new post!

In this section, I am going to show up an amazing storyboard that I have made with my Master's peers. In that case, we started with the goal and content to begin creating.

The goal from the (from BOCM):

- The student know some important facts the reings of Charles I, Philiph II and Philip IV.

The content, that this Storyboard is based, is(from BOCM):

- Spain in the Modern Age. XVI &XVII centuries. The reign of the House of Austria.

In this case, we have chosen the Spanish Imperior. Why It is a commonly topic at schools. 

With the storyboard our students can the students can internalise the topic more easily, in a visual way, and can also follow the unit easily.

In the next post, you will see a video creation inspired in this Storyboard.
See you there!



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