Which I choose for my CLIL lessons?
In the following post, I am going to show you how I would use a Slideshow to teach CLIL content in a lively, visual and fun way to our students.
There are many platforms to make presentations. But the best known are Genial.ly, Canva, Google slices, Prezi or Powerpoint.
Genial.ly is the one that I have used to create my presentation about the plants. I am currently teaching this unit in my internship. So I want to share it with all of you!
Personally, it is not one of my favourites. But it is at first glance attractive for the teacher who will use it and the pupil who interacts with it.
The presentation is at the bottom of this post or clicking on it.
Personally, it is not one of my favourites. But it is at first glance attractive for both the teacher who will use it and the pupil who interacts with it.
And the main reason why I don't like it is that it doesn't let you reuse presentations from other colleagues if you are not premium. What do you mean by reuse?
This is one of the functions that make Genial.ly a key tool for those teachers who after quarantine started using Gamification, for example.
The problem comes when these teachers share their templates so that you can change them with your content or modify them to match your classes. But of course, you have to be premium and I am not too much agree with it.
As a teacher myself, my favourite is Canva. Not only for making presentations but also for the accessibility of having CanvaPro. It allows me to have an infinite number of resources, templates and uncensored elements at my disposal.
If you are a student, I recommend using Google slides. It's a perfect resource to create presentations with your classmates online and it's easy to do it since you can do it with your Gmail account. Genial.ly also has this option.
And finally, the one I would never recommend is Prezi. It may look quite interesting but it doesn't let you download the presentation (like Genial.ly) but if you are new to this, don't do like I did and had a bad time if the internet fail. Use Canva, Powerpoint or Google Slices and make sure you have the presentation.I hope you liked this post. If you did it let me know in the comments.
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