Curation tools
Hello again to my Blogger, How was your week? Do you know that situations as me in the picture when you have to look for some information and you are not able so select the more safe information that you have looked for on Google. Yes, I have felt in that situation many times when I was programming my classes. So t oday I am sharing with all of you what is called content curation tool. Our ICT teacher Francisco has recommended the following ones: - PINTEREST , SYMBALOO , PEARLTREES and LIST.LY Finally I have opted for Pinterest. This is a website where, since I started university, it has helped me to find ideas for my degree projects, discover new techniques and educational models and above all resources, lots of resources for my classroom. In this case I have created a board where I have been adding new ideas for my class, cool people in the world of music education and links to very useful melodies for the little ones in primary school, do you want to di...